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Information for classifiers

This section is for classifiers and those interested in becoming a classifier.

This section includes a toolkit for classifiers, collated from the classification pages on the PNZ website, enabling ease of reference to the relevant resources and templates. These are available for use as they are, or modified to suit individual sport requirements.


A Classifier is a person trained in accordance with the International Federation (IF) Classifier Training Standard and authorized as an official by an IF or National Federation (NF) to evaluate athletes, while serving as a member of a Classification Panel. The duties and responsibilities of a Classifier are detailed in the IPC International Standard for Classifier Training and Certification and the IF Classification Rules and Regulations.
Classifiers are trained and certified by an IF in accordance with the International Standard for Classifier Training and Certification.

Classification Positions

An IF or NF shall establish the following positions:

Head of Classification: The Head of Classification is a Classifier responsible for the direction, administration, co-ordination and implementation of Classification matters.

Chief Classifier: The Chief Classifier is a Classifier responsible for the direction, administration, co-ordination and implementation of Classification matters for a specific competition.

Classification Panel

Classification Panel is a group of Classifiers, appointed for a particular competition by an IF or NF, to determine the Sport Class and Sport Class Status of athletes reporting to classification. This is done in accordance with the Classification Rules of the respective IF.
International Classification Panels, and those recommended for NF Panels, must include a minimum of two Classifiers, unless an IF requires that more than two Classifiers constitute a Classification Panel. 
During a competition members of a Classification Panel should not have any other official responsibilities that are not in connection with Classification.

Classifier Criteria

International Sport Federations should require Classifiers to have expertise in one or both of the following areas (the extent to which is defined at the IFs discretion):

Technical: An extensive coaching or athletic background in the sport, or a recognized and reputable academic qualification; encompassing, anatomical, biomechanical and sport-specific expertise, for example, former coaches or athletes, sport scientists, or physical educators with supporting evidence of expertise, such as an academic credential, professional certification or qualification of expertise.

Medical: A recognized professional qualification in medicine or in a health related profession; such as physiotherapy, occupational therapy, or rehabilitation medicine, that has professional training in the measurement of the impairments that are eligible in Para-sport (for example, muscle testing, coordination assessment, low vision testing, and intellectual assessment). Professional qualification(s) or accreditation must be valid at the time of certification as a Classifier by an IF.

Code of Conduct

Each IF and NF shall require all classifiers to comply with the Code of Conduct included in the IF Standard for Classifier Training and Certification.

Classifier Training

IFs must provide training and education in order that Classifiers may obtain and/or maintain Classifier Competencies. 
IFs must specify how they will provide Entry-level Education and continuing education for advanced training and maintaining certification. 
International Sport Federations are recommended to make Classifier training and education resources available to National Bodies for the purpose of national Classifier training.
Classifier Training Workshops consist of theory and practical sessions and are run to train classifiers both nationally and internationally.  Participants for classifier courses must meet the eligibility criteria for the relevant sport. 

All those interested in becoming a classifier should complete the PNZ Classifier Application Form (Word, 44.2KB).
For a general overview, please refer to the Classifier Certification Pathway (Word 36.8).

It is important to note that classifiers are professional people who volunteer their free time to classify disabled athletes.

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